🎉🏆 The New York Skyliners delivered a great performance at the Buccaneer Classic in Landisville, PA last night, earning 1st place in Class A with a score of 67.0! 🎺🥇Thank you to the Reading Buccaneers for hosting this event.
A huge congratulations to our drum major, Jeanette Aiello, for being awarded Best Drum Major! 👏👏
As we celebrate, we remain committed to making our show even better. Our hard work continues as we prepare for our next competition at DCI Rochester on August 3rd. Stay tuned for more updates and support us on this amazing journey! 🌟✨

#NewYorkSkyliners #DrumCorps #BuccaneerClassic #1stPlace #BestDrumMajor #OnwardAndUpward #NextStopRochester